Together Create: Thurrock

Together Create is a programme rooted in Thurrock, Essex, which brings people together across generations, cultures and backgrounds to create, connect, learn and collaborate to make change in their local area

Together Create builds on successful community singing, heritage and social action programmes delivered by TP in Thurrock since 2017. It brings together diverse communities including refugees, asylum seekers, those facing mental health challenges, the elderly and isolated, those facing economic disadvantage and other local residents from different generations and backgrounds, engaging them in ongoing programmes which will provide opportunities for creativity, connection, skills development and to work together for positive change.

Together Create will develop new partnerships and networks, engage previously marginalised participants and share learning cross the borough and sector. It will leave a legacy of strong enduring relationships, healthier, more proactive communities, raised aspirations and achievement.

If you are a Thurrock resident, artist or organisation who would like to find out more about getting involved in this programme, please contact us.

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